*** Due to the possibility of snow, this event will be weather dependent. *** -The 8:00 am Mass will be celebrated on Saturday regardless of weather. -If the weather is mild, we will have a ProLife presentation after Mass with a short prayer service for those who come. - If the weather is severe, there will be NO events following the Mass. Please be safe!
Join us for the “5th Sunday of the Month Rosary” which will take place on Sunday, January 30th at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church on 63 East Main Street. We begin at 3 o’clock with the praying of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. This event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Council 3359. All are welcome!
Wednesday, February 2nd, is the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple also known as Candlemas Day. It is on this day that candles are blessed prior to the Holy Mass to commemorate the words of the Prophet Simeon who said that Jesus is “A light to the Gentiles.” This is also the 40th and final day of the Christmas season. The outdoor nativity crèche and lights will be taken down with the coming of this Feast day.
Thursday, February 3rd is the Feast Day of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. St. Blaise lived in Armenia in the 4th century and according to tradition healed a choking boy from death and restored him to health. In commeration of this event, the blessing of the throat takes place on his feast day. The blessing of the throat of the faithful will take place at all the Masses on Saturday, February 5th and Sunday, February 6th. ST. BLAISE, BISHOP AND MARTYR -Pray for Us.
Friday January 21st to Saturday January 22nd “Come Follow Me!” on a 24-hour experience that Brings our faith to life. Come listen to and reflect upon How Christ is calling you, and how he is the cornerstone. Register online: https://www.ndcarmel.com/mens-cornerstone-retreat
The faith formation program in our parish has been suspended for the month of January. (This includes CCD classes, Confirmation classes, Generations of Faith and the Catacombs Youth Ministry.) Start up for faith formation will be in February.