The clergy of the Rockaway Ecumenical Association will once again sponsor the Fridays of Lent lunches at the First Presbyterian Church in Rockaway beginning on February 28th. The lunch begins at 12 Noon followed by a Lenten presentation given by the clergy of the host congregation. The schedule is: February 28 – Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, March 6 – United Methodist Church of the Rockaways, March 13 – Teabo United Methodist Church, March 20 – St. Simon the Apostle Catholic Church, March 27 – First Presbyterian Church, April 3 – St. Cecilia Catholic Church. A free will offering is accepted for the lunch.
Each year during Lent the Catholic Church in the United States sponsors OPERATION RICE BOWL which serves as the alms giving project benefiting the hungry throughout the world. You are asked to take a rice bowl and place it on your supper table as a daily reminder of the need to remember those who are hungry because of a lack of food and clean water. You are asked to place your offering in the alms box and return it to church on Easter Sunday, not before that since our fasting does not end until Holy Saturday, April 11th. Checks should be made payable to St. Cecilia Church with the memo RICE BOWL and one parish check will be sent to Catholic Relief Services.
A retreat for men will take place in our parish beginning with Stations of the Cross at 7 o’clock on Friday evening, March 27th and concluding with Holy Mass at noon on Saturday, March 28th. Registration for the retreat can be done by calling the parish office prior to March 24th or can be done on line. The registration fee is $20 per person. The topic is “Real Life Perspectives on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.” Speakers will include Father Carmen Buono and Sam Chey. A wonderful opportunity for a spiritual recharge! Guys, you won’t regret participating in this event.
Confessions: “Welcome Home” is a diocesan initiative to invite all Catholics to experience the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is a wonderful opportunity to set aside our sinful ways and to draw closer to our Lord. Confessions will be held every Monday in March, from 7:00 pm—8:30 pm in every Catholic Church in the Diocese of Paterson. Don’t be afraid! Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! www.
The passing of a loved one is the greatest hurt which we endure in life. If you recently lost a loved one to death we invite you to participate in our bereavement program here at Saint Cecilia’s, open to both parishioners and non parishioners. The six week program begins on March 25 and will meet for the next five Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 pm in the parish office. The last sessions with be a Mass & candle ceremony in church. Registration is required by calling the parish office at 973.627.0313 prior to March 18th.
A meeting of all those wishing information and scheduling for a baptism will meet on Monday evening, February 17th in the Saint Cecilia Parish office at 7 pm. Father will be present to conduct the information session and answer questions regarding the celebration of the sacrament.
SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY COLLECTION - $1,118.06 was collected last Sunday, Super Bowl Sunday, to benefit the Interfaith Food Pantry of Morris County. Many thanks to all those who gave an offering for this cause, May Christ the Savior bless you for your generosity to those in need!
The season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 26th with the distribution of ashes at the morning Masses at 6:30 and 8 o’clock and the evening Mass at 7 o’clock. Ashes will also be distributed at the Liturgy of the Word service which will take place at 4:30 in the afternoon. Let’s begin this holy time in the tradition which has been handed down to us from the Early Church.