Religious give thanks. A religious sister writes. ”When we see the generous response of so many thousands of persons in order to help us, religious men and women, we are left speechless.” Senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests across the country send heartfelt thanks and prayers for your donation to last week’s Retirement Fund for Religious collection.
THANK YOU—For all of us who live in the rectory, Father Pawel, Father Cerilo, myself and Deacon Matt, we thank all those who remembered us at Christmas. Your generosity is truly appreciated and we assure you of our prayers for health and happiness in the New Year. May God bless you! Father Zig
IGNATIAN SILENT RETREAT, sponsored by Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of the Lakes Council #3359 February 2, 2018 – February 4, 2018 (Feb 2, 2018 at 7:15 PM to Feb 4, 2018 at 1 PM) at Loyola Jesuit Center, Morristown, NJ. Join us for a Men’s Weekend Retreat led by Fr. Tom Marciniak, S.J. The retreat will focus on the topic of Surrender??? - Learning How to Yield Lovingly to our God. Open to all men of the parish (18 or older). Membership in the KofC is not necessary. Details at, or contact Damiano Servidio at (973) 407-0186 / [email protected].
Divine Mercy Academy’s Calendar Raffle is underway! The calendar raffle will feature a total of $5,000 in cash prizes. A winner will be drawn every week from February 2nd through June 1st. Weekly cash prize amounts vary. Each week the winning ticket will be put back in the drum, so each $10 ticket gives you 18 chances to win! Please email [email protected] or call 973-769-1028 for tickets. Tickets will also be available from our gift card sellers after Masses. Thank you for your support of Divine Mercy Academy!
The Monday Night Bible Study will explore the Book of Exodus for 10 weeks beginning January 8th. Please email [email protected] by December 28th if you can to join us on Mondays from 7:30 -9PM in Hayes Hall. If you can not attend the sessions, a streaming option is available with the purchase of a workbook. The study workbooks are $25 and please make out checks to St. Cecilia.
ATTENTION MEN – A new men’s group called FATHERS OF ST. JOSEPH will be meeting every other Saturday morning at 5:30 a.m. in the St. Cecilia Office Building. The sole aim and purpose of the group is to labor for the restoration, revitalization and redemption of human fatherhood, in order that it may become what it has been created to be: an efficacious icon that directs the human family to its Father. The Fathers of St. Joseph gatherings are not so much meetings as they are mini retreats, whose aim is to communicate the spirituality of fatherhood in a manner that encourages and inspires fathers to embrace, engage and – by the power of the Holy Spirit – sanctify their vocation. The next gathering is SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30th!
ADVENT CONFESSIONS – The sacrament of penance will be celebrated for the parishioners of both Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and Saint Cecilia Church on Monday, December 18th at 7 o’clock in the evening. A number of priests will be available for confession for both adults and children. All Catholics should approach the sacrament of reconciliation to prepare one’s heart for the coming of Christ at Christmas.